
They always speak for us

Had a meetup with the Organisation's LGBT group, where upcoming events are typically discussed.

One thing that makes me a little uneasy is that I haven't been asked for my input on any transgender-related matters, despite being, as far as I'm aware, the only transgender person on the facility. I'm still going to submit the article I'd been drafting for Transgender Remembrance Day.

I feel uneasy, because it's so important to be careful in how the perspectives of transgender people are articulated, and to avoid associating us with the stereotypes and less positive things the far-right project onto us. We don't have the voice or anywhere near the same level of media exposure afforded to the gender-critical movement. It's so easy for a media organisation to aggregate so much footage of transgender people being aggressive, and present without the context or honesty about what led up to it. It's so easy for a Tory spokeswoman on GB News to make an off-handed, baseless and unchallenged accusation against transgender patients in hospitals, despite that accusation having already been disproven by TransLucent through Freedom of Information requests.

Personally, I think it's essential to focus primarily on opposing the efforts to outlaw the public existence of transgender people, which is also, ultimately, an effort to undermine the laws that protect everyones' human rights.

#trans #transgender