
Sis Admin's Diary #2 - Back-up Day

The sky quickly became quite dark this morning, and a downpour of rain followed. There was quite a flow of water running down the street, carrying small bits of debris with it. I live close to a river, which overflows every several years, and the water even comes up through the nearby manholes sometimes. My partner tells me it's gotten worse over time, with new buildings having culverts that direct even more rainwater into the river, and trees and soil, which would have soaked up much of it, being concreted over.

The electricity grid went off three times this afternoon. I don't think the power stations were flooded.

All the software engineers are supposed to be on the facility on Tuesdays, but most are still working from home because it's been so busy the last couple of months. Most the senior engineers are on leave this week also.

There was the weekly change request meeting this morning, to discuss whatever work is planned for the live systems. This is important because the typical change is going to affect several other things. One of our larger systems is being upgraded later this week, so I'll need to disable inregrations on multiple servers to prevent data being corrupted elsewhere.

Today I needed to back up an Azure Resource Group to a repo. For this I saved the Function App code, the Logic App JSON and the HTML templates as projects in a Visual Studio solution, then published all that as a new repo branch.

I've also managed to solve the JSON problem, I think, by adding a step to the Logic App that writes the combined API responses to the storage account before the JSON is processed.

My partner is working the late shift tonight, so I'm spending the evening backing up everything that's important to my personal encrypted storage every month. Usually that's a considerable amount of data: Logs, documentation, code for things I've been working on...
