
It's a shame about Samsung Notes

One of the default apps on the Samsung phone that I really came to like was Samsung Notes. Superficially it has a basic interface, the user can quickly add notes, and they're all in one place, organised into folders and/or tagged. And it has a drawing/handwriting feature that works pretty well on the cheaper devices. Notes can also be protected by a password or biometrics, though the documentatiom says nothing about whether the notes are actually encrypted, beyond being on a filesystem with full disk encryption.

There are a couple of reasons why I can't use Samsung Notes now, much to my disappointment.

First problem is it can't be used on Windows 11, let alone Linux, and probably by design. I've installed it using PowerShell (or was it CMD?). The application still doesn't run.

The second problem is the notes can't be backed up and restored, without syncing through Samsung Cloud. Obviously, without decent end-to-end encryption, nothing's private. I did export the important notes to my laptop. The notes must be selected and unlocked manually, as there's no bulk export feature. After copying the files back to the phone's filesystem, it turned out the app can't access the directory.

I've found that Obsidian works much better. The notes are .md files, which, of course, can easily be copied, restored and mofified in other editors.