
I guess summer is over

In a couple of days the autumn season officially begins, though the weather has kind of announced it already. Just weeks ago, we'd visit the local pub after I'd finish work, and enjoy what's left of a warm, sunny day in the beer garden. Yesterday evening, the weather was quite damp, and it was much darker outside. It has been raining constantly today, the sky a uniform dark gray.

The weather does affect my mood. It doesn't make me depressed, but the feeling it invokes is an intrusive reminder of the days when my life was decidedly less pleasant, and of my first and worst episode of clinical depression that ensued. Every year I wonder how I'd get through November.

In just over two weeks, I'll be dressing as a tavern wench for Oktoberfest. Late October is when the frost typically appears in the mornings. November seems the wettest month. December is usually a mixed bag of mild and bloody freezing. From Christmas, I'm reminding myself that the first signs of summer might only be ten weeks away.
